After you register and enter the verification code...wait a second and if it nothing happens, just refresh (press F5) and your registered. This is a free organic platform funded by ourselves...we're engineers not web developers so pardon the kinks. If you have difficulties or quesitons, please call me at (630) 209-6855.
For those of you who want to remain anonymous until you find someone...just use a proton email ( and an alias name.
Thank for you supporting us and your local community. Let's stay unvaxxed!
No...we're not here to bank just save lives.
We're almost certain blood can be tested for spike proteins. There are spike antibodies Point-Of-Care tests available for purchase. You may also engage a testing lab. Labcorp, for example (not an endorsement), tests for spike antibodies.
CAUTON: Be very skeptical of any over-the-counter (OTC) at-home tests or labs even remotely associated with the United States Government or its proxies.
Unfortunately, not a lot of information is's being censored. I called a local hospital and spoke with a lab tech about this issue and she told me that if people knew the blood was tainted, it would cause a panic not to mention millions of dollars lost for the hospitals and blood banks. Montana tried last year, I think, to pass legislation mandating hospital and blood banks to disclose if their blood was vaccinated but it wasn't even tabled! Guess who fought against it? Blood banks! If anyone finds something, please email or call me.
We will not share your info with ANYONE. Alma and I respect the fact some people are afraid to publish their vaccination status but it's necessary. You can, however, simply use an alias name and even email address to remain anonymous until you find either a donor or recipient. offers free email.
An autologous blood transfusion is a procedure that involves collecting a patient's blood and returning it to them later. It's considered a safe alternative to transfusions from donors because it eliminates the risk of infection and alloimmunization.
An autologous blood transfusion may not be recommended in certain circumstances, including:
* Infection: If you have an active infection, such as an indwelling urinary catheter, you may not be able to donate blood.
* Heart conditions: If you have a heart condition, such as cardiac failure, unstable angina, or myocardial infarction, you may not be able to donate blood.
* Low-risk surgeries: If you are having a low-risk surgery that rarely requires blood, you may not need an autologous blood transfusion.
* Elective surgeries: Preoperative autologous blood donation is not routinely recommended for elective surgeries.
* Contaminated surgeries: Autologous blood transfusions are not recommended for contaminated surgeries, such as bowel surgery.
Check with your Doctor to see an AUTOLOGOUS donation is possible. If not consider a DIRECT donation.
This website does NOT offer medical advice so please don't sue us! My wife and I nor anybody associated with this website are NOT licensed physicians.
If an AUTOLOGOUS blood transfusion is not possible (see above FAQ #4 above), the Donor will be sent to the hospitals blood bank for screening and given an 8 minute questionnaire. If everything checks out, a couple pints will be drawn and sent to your hospital on standby for your surgery and used only if needed.
Next, you must test your donor for mRNA spike antibodies (not COVID antibodies). This is your responsibility since hospitals will not screen for it. See FAQ #2 above for testing option
No! Although Mike is a Chief Warrant Officer in the Army Reserves, the opinions and views are those of Mike & Alma Gollins ONLY and do NOT represent the views of the DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of any linked websites, or the information, products, or services therein. Further the founders have no medical background nor are they licensed physicians.